Security Policy
The goal of Gasal’s Corporate Security is to protect the company's employees, assets, information, integrity and reputation from potential threats.
This company commitment is guided by the basic core values, code of conduct and business ethics, which influence the way Gasal operates.
Gasal recognizes that secure operations are dependent upon employee participation, commitment and accountability. All security activities must adhere to the general principles laid below to mitigate all potential security risks.
1. The security and protection of employees must be the top priority of all business activity.
2. Line management must be continually aware of and take responsibility for the security aspects of its business activities. Security organization and resources must reflect this commitment.
3. Deterring must be the first barrier. Threats assessment should be carried out on a continuous basis.
4. Preparedness is key to effectively mitigate incidents. Response plans must be developed and tested to deal with potential risks.
5. Security measures and procedures must be audited, validated and verified by Gasal Security Manager in order to maintain high levels or security standards across Gasal facilities.
6. Staff involved in security matters on behalf of Gasal must be competent. Appropriate training plans, recruitment and contracting procedures must be established and implemented.
7. All Security Incidents must be reported and recorded. Corrective action should be taken and followed up through the actions management software to improve the overall security standard and avoid recurrence.
8. Generally security guards used by Gasal are non-armed guards. However if no other alternative exists to properly manage the risk, Gasal will inform the industrial city emergency response and local authorities to provide armed guards if required within the scope of legally and governmentally approved practices.
9. Security tips, best practice and lessons learned from security incidents to be shared with all employees across different platforms ( emails, HSE meetings and training sessions ) to elevate the level of awareness of employees about potential threats and ways to deter, detect and defend.