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It is one of the main pillars of Qatar National vision 2030.

It aims to target Qatari Nationals for permanent established key positions that are tied to business strategy.
Gasal fully supports the Qatarization Program as part of the Energy and Industry Sector under the umbrella of our Qatari Shareholder, QatarEnergy.

Scholarship Program

Gasal provides the opportunity to Qatari National students to sponsor their higher education studies both locally and overseas.

To apply for the Gasal Scholarship Program, you have to submit your application through the QatarEnergy website.

Summer School Program

As part of our French shareholder’s Campus Management Initiatives since 2013, Air Liquide organizes the Annual Summer School Program.

Every year, around 30 top international students from across the globe are invited to participate in the week-long discovery program hosted at Air Liquide Head Office in Paris.

During the week, the students will be engaged with various presentations on Air Liquide Group, interactive workshops, site visits, and an exciting yet challenging Business Case that is relevant to the Group.